Deborah Fagan

  • Total activity 61
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Recent activity by Deborah Fagan Recent activity Votes
  • Why Are There Timers On The Course?

    Many states and Canada require that a minimum of three to four hours be spent studying the course material. In-person classes meet this requirement with a proctor/instructor and a class schedule....

  • What to Do If You've Failed Your Exam

    Each state has its own regulations about what will happen if a quiz or exam is failed. Most will allow students to repeat a chapter without restarting the timer when it comes to quizzes; however, i...

  • Obtaining Your State DNR/WCR/GO ID Number

    Some states require a DNR/WCR/Go ID which is designed to protect personal information. You will be required to register for this number directly through your state. Also note, personal information ...

  • Troubleshooting | Certificate Download Issues

    Encountering difficulties when attempting to download your certificate can be frustrating. Here are several steps to help resolve this issue: Correct Website: Ensure you are accessing the appropri...

  • Updating Personal Information

    Name Change/DOB: Once you finish registration, we can only change your name or date of birth if you provide us with a government-issued ID. Please provide us with a government Issued ID: Passport...

  • How Can I Contact Customer Support?

    We provide support Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm CST and Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm CST. The fastest way to reach us is Live Chat on our site here, however feel fre...

  • Is It Possible to Obtain a Printed Handbook?

    Although we publish handbooks, we do not stock or distribute the materials. For a hard copy, please contact your local wildlife office. They may have material to distribute. Many states have handbo...

  • What is Today's Hunter?

    The Official Hunting Courses offer instruction on hunting locations, hunting techniques and strategies, the ideal rifle for hunting different game, and much more. It's important to note that this c...

  • How Do I Change My Address?

    To update your address in our system and request a new card, please follow these steps on our website at Select Your Certification State and Course: Begin by choosing the state wh...

  • How To Replace a Lost or Damaged Hunter Education Card

    You can order a replacement card on our website Simply select your certification state, and course, add your name and date of birth and you will be able to order with a credit/...